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From the Ozark County Times, 1 Nov 1901: J.H. Small closed a very successful term of school at Center Point last Wednesday. John is a hustling and progressive teacher, he begins teaching again next Monday at Bratton Springs. Mrs. Hannah H. Conkin Mrs. Hannah H. Conkin who departed this life at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dr. J. T. Arnold, after a brief illness, was in may respects a remarkable woman. She was born in Monroe County, Kentucky, July the 10th A.D. 1822, and departed this life as above stated, October 25th 1901. Her age being 79 years, 3 months and 16 days. Her children, six daughters and one son, were all present during her last illness. Funeral services were held at the Christian church where she had long been one of the members, and one of the most faithful attendants. The services were conducted by her pastor W.P. Hale. The sermon was preached from Job v.26: “Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in his season.” Almost the entire town was present at the services, and after the services all joined the procession and marched to the cemetery where the remains were laid by loving hands beside those of her husband who many years ago had preceded her to the “Better, Better Land.” Although sister Conkin lived to be old her heart was ever young. She retained consciousness and the right exercise of her mind almost to the very last. The lovely traits of her character, and the sweetness of her spirit were seen in the fact that to the last hours of her life she was passionately fond of flowers and music, and little children were her fondest care. She was always loyal to the truths of the gospel and dearly loved the church. No one could be a more loyal friend, or more faithful to the family, than was Grandma Conkin, as she was familiarly called by almost all her neighbors. When the last moment came she called for her only son, who is also her youngest child, Mr. E. E. Conkin, who is the present sheriff of the county, and asked that she might die holding his hand in hers. This, her last request, was complied with, and thus her spirit silently passed on to that rest which her Lord had promised and for which she had long waited. RESOLUTION OF RESPECT The following resolutions touching upon the death of the late Col. W.A. Love, were adopted by the Gainesville Bar and associate attorneys, and were presented to the Ozark County Times for publication: Gainesville, Mo., Oct. 21, 1901. At one o’clock p.m., Monday, October 21, A.D. 1901, we, the members of the Gainesville Bar and associate attorneys, met at the court house in Gainesville, Mo., for the purpose of manifesting our brotherly feeling and passing appropriate resolutions of respect commemorating the loss of our brother attorney, Col. W. A. Love, and organized by electing J.W. Pumphrey, chairman, and J.J. Kyle, secretary of the meeting, after which, Guy T. Harrison presented the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, the Great Creator of the Universe has seen fit in His wisdom to call from our bar to the Bar above, our brother attorney and fellow worker, Col. W.A. Love, who since the 16th day of October, 1872, has played as important a part in the judgment of courts, and who has so often turned the scale of decisions in doubtful cases, and who has so often assisted the courts and juries of our country to arrive at correct solutions of the most intricate questions of law and fact, and, Whereas, his place is vacant in the court room and his chair is empty in our legal counsels, and he is lost to us both as an associate and as an antagonist in our legal struggles; therefore be it, Resolved, That it is with tear-stained cheeks and bleeding hearts that we assemble in the old court room, where he has met with us so often, to give solemn expression of our great bereavement at his demise and in kind memory recount his many virtues, domestic and public. No one but us who were so intimately associated with him and knew him best can have any conception of how much we loved him. No one who has not lived the life of a modern lawyer and experienced their trials and struggles and almost inhuman efforts in behalf of their clients and who has not felt the wounds of misrepresentation, calumny, and abuse, of an apparently unappreciative clientage, and sometimes the unjust criticism of the public, can have any idea of the courage which was necessary to maintain the position he held at the bar, before the public, and as a private citizen. We valued him as a counselor, and dreaded him as an antagonist in every legal contest. We loved him as an associate, we honored him as a citizen, and in all cases we admired his courage and respected his manliness. Those who knew him best loved him most. In all domestic ??istions he was a model American, a tender father and affectionate husband, in whose home Justice was high priest, and love the altar. We now tenderly leave him to that Judge of judges and in the language of the poet: “No farther seek his merits to disclose, Or draw his frailties from their dread abode (There they alike in trembling hope repose) The bosom of his father his God.” A motion was made and carried that the Chairman present these resolutions to the Judge of our Circuit Court and ask that they be made a part of the record. J. W. Pumphrey, Chairman. J. J. Kyle, Secretary. Game Preserve A large game preserve to consist of several thousands acres, is to be established in Ozark County on the banks of North Fork. A number of prominent conductors on the ? & A. railroad are behind the scheme, which gives promise of materializing within a very short time. As soon as the land is all secured the work of setting posts and putting a high wire fence around the park will be begun. A large ???? house will be erected on the bank of the river and several smaller cottages at different points in the park. Deer and other game will be placed within the enclosure and the river stocked with thousands of game fish. Thus another novelty will be added to the many already found in the Ozark Region. -- West Plains Gazette From the Ozark County Times, 8 Nov 1901: Gainesville Items: Mrs. Elija Breeden is reported quite sick this week. Dr. White reports a fine boy at the home of Rev. R. B. Coy. Considerable sickness is reported throughout the county. W. D. Boyd, of Bakersfield, was in the city yesterday. Bakersfield Briefs: Editor Times:--Seeing nothing in your valuable paper from this point, will send you a few happenings: That popular grocery drummer, Joe Harlin, was doing business with our merchants this week. Mrs. Jacob Sigler and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. A. Sigler, of Mammoth Springs, are visiting with the former’s son, C. L. Sigler and family, this week. Miss Kitty Maxey, our very efficient postal clerk, made a flying trip to West Plains, Friday, after her father Col. R. B. Maxey, of Mammoth Springs, who is visiting with his daughter, Mrs. J.W. Pumphrey. Elder Reid of Salem, Arkansas, is conducting a series of meetings at the Baptist church this week. Owing to the revival meeting being held here this week, the literary society postponed their meeting until Friday night of this week. Dr. Grisso who has been sick for some time, at the residence of Mr. Grinsley, we are glad to say is recovering. Prosecuting attorney, Geo. W. Boone, of Gainesville, was in our midst Saturday, in the interest of the state. While here he secured a plea of guilty in the case of State vs. Wm. Talbert, for fighting. The other cases of like nature were put off until Wednesday, November 6. E. E. Haskett, the shoe drummer, registered at Hotel Vivion, Saturday night. Mr. Shock, our saloon man, visited with his family at West Plains, Saturday night and Sunday. Gainesville Items: A Halloween social was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Luna last Thursday evening, the following games were indulged in, diving for apples, jumping for chocolates, I am bobed, etc. Everyone enjoying themselves until a late hour. A pleasant time was had by all. Those present were Misses Lou and Dosia Haynes, Eva and Anna Arnold, Maud Wood, Beulah Elliott, Ethel Walker, Cora and Laura Reynolds, Lillie Summers, Ollie Lowe, Lola Melton, Beulah McDonald, Frona Wood, Alma McClendon, Ethel Luna, Lizzie Luna and Mrs. J. C. Harlin, Mrs. W. T. Harlin, Mrs. L.D. Harlin, Mrs. W.W. Harris, Mrs. W. C. Boone, Messrs. Otis Gilliland, Tesley and Austin Luna, Walter Robbins, Edgar Hill, Harry Force, Callie Hogard, Lyman Stevens, Arthur Love, W.C. Boone, J. E. Norton, and Prof. W.W. Harris. One of the pleasant society events of last week, was the “tackey” party given at the residence of Jim Gordon, on Friday night. Miss Julia Haynes captured the first prize for being the “best” dressed lady, and was presented with a box of soap. Mr. Harry Force secured a very appropriate prize, a fine comb and box of bachelor buttons, for being the “worst looking” gentleman. Amusements were indulged in until a late hour, when the guests departed to their homes, having spent a very pleasant evening. From the Ozark County Times, 15 Nov 1901: Theodosia Notes: J.M. Herd made a flying trip to Oakland Tuesday. James Cooper’s twelve months’ old child died Sunday and was buried Monday. The school is progressing nicely seven more students enrolled this week. J.C. Wallace was at our place Tuesday and ordered the Ozark County Times sent to his address. Dad knows a good thing when he sees it. There has been 80 bales of cotton ginned here and they expect about 25 or 30 more. Fred and Thomas Herd, started for Springfield Tuesday with produce from this place. Wallie Griffin, of Oakland, is visiting Roy Herd this week. M.H. Hutchison, our representative, was here Tuesday. Rev. Sullivan filled his regular appointment at Isabella Sunday, six additions to the church. Old Santa Claus will make his appearance in about thirty days. What is the program? Mrs. Cullen, one of Ozark county’s most respected citizens, died last week of paralysis, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Howard Bragg, on North Fork, near the well known “Bat Cave,” which is located on their premises.--West Plains Gazette. From the Ozark County Times, 22 Nov 1901: N.B. Owen was in town Wednesday and subscribed for the Times. Contributed by Judith Ford Lyons Ozark County Times Dec. 6, 1901 Zanoni Items Friday of last week, Mr. Jones Luna butchered a hog that dressed 500 pounds. During the butchering, the alarm was given that the little 3 year old child of Elisha Warren had wandered away. They had quite an exciting time for an hour or so. After a long and diligent search which was fruitless, they returned and found the child standing in the door. F. H. Godard happened to bad luck this week. He was churning and tipped over the churn and spilled all his cream. He will have to eat his pan cakes without butter. The infant child of Bud Hunt was buried Sunday. The little child of A. T. Durham’s is improving in flesh but is still speechless. Zanoni failed to any any mail from Gainesville Thursday on account of the mail boy leaving before scheduled time. An old gentleman living near Bakersfield drove through this vicinity last Saturday peddling patent medicine. He stopped at M. J. Luna’s. No one being at home but the small children, they were frightened and went over to Prentice Bushong’s where there were several men raising a barn. Mr. Luna and others with shot guns started in pursuit of the old man and soon overtook him. They ordered him to halt. He was pretty badly scared, said he had done no harm and was sorry to have caused them any trouble that he was a cripple and hardly able to get out of his buggy. If they would go with him to W. C. Morrison’s, he would convince them that he was a gentleman. From the Ozark County Times, 29 Nov 1901: Theodosia Notes: The Squirrel Killer on the move. E.B. Gladen was in our town the first of the week. Rev. A. L. Simmons filled his regular appointment Sunday. J.H. Gilliland attended the baptizing Sunday at Thornfield. Enoc Dugins was found dead Friday morning, on a raft in Big Creek, shot in the breast. Supposed to be accidental. He left home Thursday morning to look after his traps, was to return at night, his wife becoming alarmed had the neighbors go search for him. The search continued all night. Just at daybreak he was found. The gun which he carried was a single-barrel shot gun, with a ten-penny nail for the fire pin. The pin had blown a hole through the primer. Remains were buried in the Lutie cemetery, Saturday. Deceased leaves a wife and three children. Rev. Sullivan preached to a large audience Sunday night. Mrs. Henry Futrell in returning from the grave yard was thrown from her horse and badly hurt. R. C. Grove is in our place this week and will remain a short time. Several loads of cotton left this place this week for Chadwick. Miss Louery Lantz returned home Saturday from Isabella, where she had been visiting relatives. From the Ozark County Times, 20 Dec 1901: Theodosia Notes--Green Prat died at his home Saturday morning. The remains were buried at the Quick school house, by the Masonic fraternity. From the Ozark County Times, 27 Dec 1901: Gainesville Items: By the assistance of Y.E. McClendon, pension attorney, Jno. T. Luna, Sr., has had his pension increased from $10.00 to $14.00 per month. Harry Force met with what might have been a serious accident, Wednesday night. He was standing in close range of a mammoth fire-cracker just as it exploded. His glasses were broken and an eye badly burned. Be careful, my boy. Ed Coker has moved his horses, buggies and other equipments into the new livery barn that has just been completed by D.M. James on East Main street, West Plains. This barn is the best and most completely equipped in South Missouri. A new arrival, Monday night, in the person of a small boy made its appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Harlin, which is so satisfactory to all concerned that the visit will become permanent. Everybody doing well, especially, Johnny. Mrs. Mattie Hale, wife of Judge J.F. Hale of West Plains, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. E. Comer of this place, Saturday, Dec. 21st. Mrs. Hale came to Gainesville about two months prior to her death to be in attendance upon her mother, Mrs. Hannah Conkin, during the illness that terminated in Mrs. Conkin’s death, Oct. 25. A few days before the death of her mother, Mrs. Hale was stricken with the illness that resulted as above stated. She was related to many of the most prominent people of this place. The body was taken to West Plains for interment. |
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