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From the Ozark County Times, 10 Jan 1902: Thornfield Dotlets: Four degrees below zero, and snow on the ground. Who said we were not going to have much winter? On last Saturday night some travelers camped in the Mt. Lebanon school house and in some way the house caught fire and was destroyed. The names of the parties are not known. It seems that as soon as they found that the house was burning they thought of a better camping place farther down the creek. They are supposed to have passed through Thornfield. Miss Fannie Ellis and Doolie Ellis have gone to the Indian Territory. Dr. Ellis has been in the Territory some time, and Fannie and Doolie have gone to him. Mr. E.P. Blair has been very sick but is somewhat better. Mr. I.J. Willis and wife visited J.D. Delp’s family on last Saturday. At a special meeting in the Shady Grove district it was decided by a unanimous vote to continue the school two months longers. A.D. Blair is teaching the school. Dolphus Tramel, son of Charley Tramel, was associating with his young friends of this place last week. We understand that he came after his grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Hutchison and that they are now on their was to Newark, Ark., where Mr. Tramel resides. C.H. Brown, Monroe Piland, T.A. Malin, James Piland Jr., and R.T. Beswick all have positions in the Cresent Iron Works. Their salaries range from forty to sixtyfive dollars. The writer wishes them much success, from the fact that they are, with one exception, boys whom I have had the pleasure of calling pupils. Gainesville Items--W.C. Boone has just completed a very successful term of school at the Coffey school, six miles south of town. From the Ozark County Times, 17 Jan 1902: Gainesville Items--Jim P. and Jno. C. Harlin, left Tuesday morning for Baxter county, Ark. where they will join a hunting party for a few days hunt. We received a communication last week from Toccoa, but to late for publication, as it arrived Saturday night. We publish part of it this week. Misses Eva Arnold, Agnes Love, Rhoda Wood and Messrs Harry Force, Morris Wood attended a box supper at Lutie, last Saturday night returning home Sunday. Little Edna Cowart, the six year old daughter of D.F. Cowart, was fatally scalded last Friday morning. She was playing with her doll near a large kettle of boiling water, when she made a mis-step and fell into the kettle, catching the edge of the kettle with her hands she kept her head out of the scalding water, but when she was taken out and her clothes removed, the skin came off of her arms and breast. Medical aid was hastily summoned but in spite of everything that could be done to relieve her suffering she breathed her last about midnight. M.T. Sims and Henry Gillmore engaged in a fight last Wednesday evening, in which Gillmore received three very ugly knife wounds, two on the right arm and one just below the left nipple. Dr. White dressed the wounds, he says by careful nursing Gillmore will be out again in a few days. We did not learn the cause of the trouble. From the Ozark County Times, 24 Jan 1902: Birthday Anniversary A most enjoyable affair took place last Sunday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blessing. Where a score or more of his gray haired friends had been invited to banquet with them on roast goose, in honor of Mr. Blessing’s 68th anniversary. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. M. Luna, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shoemaker, Mrs. L.J. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. P. Bushong, Geo. Bledsoe and F. H. Goddard. Besides the principal dish of roast goose, the table fairly teemed with good things, prepared as none other than a connoisseur can. The preparation and laying was under the direct supervision of Mrs. Blessing assisted by Mrs. Shoemaker. All ate their fill, after which time was given over to toast making. Geo. Shoemaker acting as toastmaster. Among others, F. H. Goddard responded with a toast, “Good of the Stomach” in the following verse. Tell me ye prophets of this day and time, If it be good for Vets to quaff the proffered wine? Shall aged sires with silvery locks, Make merry oe’r the festive board, And kill the calf, an aged ox, The “Prodigal” so adored? Or shall we feast on tender “goose”, Well filled with wholesome dressing, A better dish for stomach’s use, Set out by Father Blessing. After enjoying a few social hours the guests on taking their leave, one and all joined in voting Mr. and Mrs. Blessing the grandest of hosts, and wishing them many more years of a happy and useful life. F.H. Goddard From the Ozark County Times, 7 Feb 1902: Feb. 3rd will be long remembered by our estimable young friend and fellow citizen, Carl Thompson, it being the 27th anniversary of his birth. The event was celebrated most fittingly by his numerous friends at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Sigler, something like fifty invitations were sent out and with few exceptions all were responded to either in person or by expressions of regret. The guests assembled at 7:30 and the hours were pleasantly passed in interesting games, pleasant jokes and delightful music, furnished by Miss Eva Arnold of Gainesville. Miss Ida Pumphrey did the receiving a position which was most gracefully filled, with a smile and a word of welcome each guest was soon at home with their pleasant surroundings. And last but not least came a course of refreshments. After leaving the guest of honor quite a number of valuable presents and wishing him a long and happy life they retired to their homes mentally voting the evenings entertainment one of the most enjoyable events of life. Following is a list of those present, Mr. and Mrs. Pumphrey, N.L. Waters and wife, Ray Kellett and wife, Messrs T.J. Luna, C.L. Gilliland, J.E. Norton, B.F. Wood, Josh Taylor, Pete Mitchel, Rosco Billingsley, Karl Thompson, Prof. Grisso, Bennie Cassel, Luther Shanks, Misses Agnes Love, Maud Wood, Beulah Elliott, Susie and Lou Haynes, Eva Arnold, Nellie, Dora and Clara James, Lula Cantrell, Ida Lester, Martha and Maud Robinson, May Brown, Nan Roberts, Diantha Atkinson, Claude Payne, Etolio Beard, Mattie Cassell, Effie Horsman, Ida Pumphrey. From the Ozark County Times, 14 Feb 1902: M.H. Harvey died at the home of his son-in-law, Sam Ferrell, five miles north of Thornfield on the 6th inst., of pneumonia. Gainesville Items-- The burning out of a flue at the residence of Hawk Walker, created quite an excitement last Sunday morning. Sam Turnbo, of Pontiac, arrived in town Monday on his way home from St. Louis, where he has been attending medical college. N.A. Beach is the happiest man in town, which was caused by the arrival of a ten pound boy at his home last Monday morning. Four more new members initiated in to the M.W.A. last Friday night, and two more at a call meeting Monday night. Keep the logs rolling boys. J.W. Pattillo, of Tecumseh, was in town Saturday night attending Odd Fellows Lodge. While here handed us a dollar and a half for the Globe Democrat and TIMES. John C. Harlin, County Clerk, has just finished his aggregate abstract of the Assessors books of Ozark County and the valuation is $194,000 less this year than it was last. We are in hopes there will be a good corn crop this year. Jacob Suter, one of Ozark Co’s., best citizens died very suddenly at his home on North Fork about 12 miles east of this place. The remains were laid to rest in the Mitchell cemetery. The Masonic Lodge of Bakersfield, conducting the funeral ceremony. From the Ozark County Times, 21 Feb 1902: Tom Witt had his name enrolled on our subscription book this week. Thornfield Dotlets-- J.W.C. Herndon has moved to the Riley farm and will cultivate it next spring. The school in the Hutchison district commenced last week, F. E. Biler? is their teacher. I.J. Willis has purchased the Marion Piland farm near this place and will move to it this week. W.J. Lawson sold some cattle at eighteen dollars a head and is now looking for some calves to buy. A.D. Blair begun his school again last Monday. The patrons were so well satisfied with his work they have subscribed sufficient funds to continue the school six weeks longer. Can you beat this? Jesse Hogan got his divorce on Wednesday night, got license while at court, and was married on Saturday. The lucky bride was Miss Mary E. Wood. Don’t get discouraged boys. Thornfield was the scene of another charivari last Monday night. The parties responsible for the treats were Lant Gaulding and wife. Lant was married to Mertie Reid one day last week. Those acquainted with Mr. Gaulding know that he carried the mail every day and it is needless to say that he is always ahead of schedule time. G.W. Collier. From the Ozark County Times, 28 Feb 1902: N.A. Beach will leave soon for Oklahoma, where he will follow his trade. We are sorry to see Mr. Beach leave our town. For nine consecutive years he has engaged in the barber business at this place. The TIMES congratulates the town that gets the barber of the ability in his craft and of the irreproachable character of Nat Beach. Gainesville--J.L. Patterson of Westline, Cass County, and Miss Nellie Hinks, of near this place, were united in matrimony last Sunday at the home of the bride. B.W. Hogard officiating. Joe Clark made a trip to West Plains this week. J.A. Miller was up from Mt. Home this week. Ike King, of Tecumseh, was in town last Saturday. Jim Combs hung paper at the Ozark hotel last week. Don’t forget the Republican mass meeting March 29. This office did job work Saturday for Harlin Bros., Dora. J.R. Reed left Sunday morning for St. Louis to buy goods. Bill Sheaphard, the Peters Shoe Man was in town this week. J.W. Holmes has rented the J.A. Miller property and moved in this week. FOR SALE: A nice three room cottage and 1 acre lot. Apply at this office. Mr. and Mrs. B.W. Hogard spent Tuesday with their son Tom five miles east of town. Uncle Jim Hutchison was in town Saturday, trading and attending Masonic Lodge. J.H. Small left Sunday morning for St. Louis to attend Barnes Medical College. Levi Lewis and Marion Haskins went to Theodosia last Friday and returned Sunday. John N. Wilson, of Grabeel, was in town Monday and made us a pleasant call and paid subscription to the TIMES. T. Conkin and C.C. Walker accompanied by Flo Reed, Bertha and Ray Conkin, went to Udall Sunday afternoon. M.G. Pattillo, of Tecumseh, was in town last Saturday and came in and paid a year’s subscription to the TIMES and Globe-Democrat. J. C. Wallace, collecting taxes in the west part of the county was in town Wednesday and reports cases where families were in abject want for food. It is the duty of the people of this county to do what they can to alleviate these conditions. One of the most enjoyable occasions of the season was an old fasion candy pulling last Tuesday night at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Reed, on High street. It seems that last Sunday night the girls on Rubber street had to “go way back and sit down” while the High street girls took front seats. We don’t understand it. Our city barber shop changed location this week, it is now located in the rear end of the building occupied by Dr. J.T. White. Recorder Gilliland issued marriage liscense to Mr. W.H. Boucher and Miss Hattie Hudson, both of Oakland, Arkansas. A.H. Emmery will soon have his law office located in the two front rooms in the second story of the TIMES building. A Mr. Johnson, of Howell county, was in town the first of the week making preparations to come in to school. John S. Hogard has moved a part of his photograph gallery down on North Fork near Tecumseh. This section was visited by a good rain Wednesday night which put Lick creek to booming. Uncle Billy Boyd, of West Plains, was on our streets one day this week. Peter Murphey, of Almartha, was in the city Wednesday on business. Guy T. Harrison moves his law office into the room vacated by N.A. Beach. Susie and Dosia Haynes made a trip to their home place on Bryant this week. Tob Shipley constable of Richland township, was in town Wednesday. Mrs. J.W. Collins has been suffering from neuralgia but is better. Jim Harlin returned from West Plains Tuesday. James Fields, of Sycamore, was in the city this week. L.B. Combs, of Dora, was in town Wednesday. J.C. Harlin went to St. Louis this week. Strange things will happen. From the Ozark County Times, 7 Mar 1902: Bakersfield Briefs-- Miss Ida Pumphrey is on the sick list this week. Capt. Glazier, of Wetherill, was in Bakersfield Saturday. Ye Scribe is suffering from a “pet” on the hand at present. Rev. W.P. Hale filled his regular appointment here Sunday. Miss Ida Pumphrey has accepted a position with C.L. Sigler. Luther Shanks has accepted a position with J. W. Pumphrey. Everybody is traveling the Bottom road now on account of the mud. Bakersfield is on a boom, two new stores and two new blacksmith shops. Miss Pet Johnson, of Mt. Home, Ark., is visiting friends in Bakersfield. James Friend spent Saturday night and Sunday over in Howell county. D.W. Epley and wife, of Bly, passed through Bakersfield Saturday. W.R. Kellett and wife spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends at Moody. A.B. James has been confined to the house this week with lagrippe but is out again. J.W. Pumphrey and C.L. Sigler began a division of their stock of goods Monday morning. Mr. Sigler will remain in the building where the two have been in business, Mr. Pumphrey will occupy the building formerly occupied by Smith & Hall. T.P. Woodworth came down town wearing a smile clear around his head Thursday morning, and began calling the boys up and setting up the cigars on being asked the cause of his evident good humor replied with astonishment plainly depicted in his face: Why hav’nt you heard the news? It’s a boy. Born Feb. 27th mother and babe getting along nicely, and Dr. Forrest says by careful nursing Thurlow possibly will recover. --INO Isabella, Mo., Feb. 27.-- A meeting of the citizens of Jasper township was held here today, the meeting was called to order and organized by electing L.D. Haskins Sr. Chairman and W.D. Bunch Secretary, a motion made and second that a call be made for assistance for the destitute families in this section. After a few short speaches the question was called for and a vote taken which resulted in 40 votes in favor of the motion and 4 did not vote at all. Motion made and carrid that R.F. Haskins as a committee of one be appointed to confer with Guy T. Harrison and others of influence in perfecting arrangements necessary to get the assistance. It was suggested that a meeting be called as soon as possible at Gainesville, to centralize calls from the different parts of the county and that representatives be sent from the different townships to act in this matter. L.D. Haskins, Chairman. W.D. Bunch, Sec. Gainesville News-- Morris Wood went to Bakersfield Monday. John Forrest, of Isabella, was in town Monday. Old papers for sale at this office 20 cents per hundred. John Gilliland was over from Theodosia Tuesday. Guy T. Harrison and Jim P. Harlin went to St. Louis Sunday. Tecumseh Conkin left Monday morning for St. Louis where he has a position. Bob Collins came up from Mt. Home, Ark., this week visiting friends and relatives. Miss Rhoda Wood has been spending a few days in the country at the home of her grand-father. D.J. Melton, of Romance, was in town Saturday and Sunday attending quarterly conference. Miss Bertha Comer began her school again Monday after a three or four weeks vacation on account of bad weather. Bert Pratt happened to a painful accident last Friday, while chopping wood the ax glanced nearly cutting one of his toes off. Gainesville Camp No. 5180 M.W. of A. initiated three new members last Friday night. This camp has adopted fifty new members in the last two months. The fourth quarterly conference of the M.E. church was held here last Saturday. Presiding Elder H.B. Foster preached a fine sermon Saturday night and also Sunday and Sunday night. John C. Harlin and J.R. Reed came home from St. Louis Monday. They had a little smash up on the way home cause, they say by the team becoming frightened at a hog(?) That is right boys lay it on a poor old inocent hog. No progressive family should overlook our special arrangement with The Chicago Inter Ocean whereby $1.25 pays for one year’s subscription to both it and this paper. Every family desires to keep up with the times. Mart Gault, of Baxter County, Ark., was in town Tuesday night and Wednesday. County Court convened Monday all three judges and clerk present. Sam Orr sends the TIMES to his brother T.D. Orr, of Louisiana, Mo. Frank Harlin registered at the Ozark Wednesday night. J.R. Reed is somewhat under the weather this week. Advertisement-- Harlin Bros., Dealers in General Merchandise, Dora, Mo. Advertisement-- James Combs, Painter and Paper Hanger. From the Ozark County Times, 14 Mar 1902: Elijah Breeding Killed While engaged in an altercation of some kind at the home of George Tate seven miles southwest of town, Lige Breeding was killed, last Friday afternoon. George Tate admits that he fired the shot that tore Breeding’s head into fragments and produced instant death. Tate immediately come to town and surrendered himself to the authorities. The witnesses to the affair were Wash Webster and Jesse Lantz, whose version of the case is materially that told by Tate about as follows: Breeding owed Lantz for some tobacco and being unable to agree on the amount had gone to Tate’s to see if he remembered the amount and enable them to make a settlement. All were in good spirits and proceeded to enhance their good humor by partaking of a jug of whiskey, which Tate had in the house. Shortly after the arrival of Breeding and Lantz, Wash Webster Breeding’s father-in-law rode up. It seems that Breeding and Webster were at outs and soon engaged in an altercation in which it is alleged that Breeding knocked Webster down and tried to cut him with a knife. Lantz and Tate attempted to stop the fight. Lantz had hold of Breeding’s arm trying to prevent him using the knife. Tate seized a double barreled shot gun loaded with turkey shot and fired the contents of one barrel into the side of Breeding’s head. The entire top of Breeding’s skull was torn away, which with blood and brains was scattered over the room. Tate threw the gun on the bed and announced he was going to Gainesville to surrender. Lantz and Webster closed the house and left. At this point comes in one of the most complicating features of the case. Breeding was a man of means and on the day of his death was out buying cattle. His wife says he left home in the morning with about $200.00. He had spent a few dollars and when the body was searched the wallet which had contained the money was found protruding from the pocket empty. Lantz says he had exhibited the wallet a few minutes before the shot was fired and that it contained bills. It is impossible at the present writing to entirely unravel the mystery. Breeding was about thirty-five or forty years of age and leaves a family. Tate is about fifty-five or sixty years of age and was just recently married. Thornfield Dotlets-- Miss Laura Murrell is reported very sick. Frank Harlin entertained our merchants last Saturday. Farmers are beginning to plow their ground for oats and corn. Charley Gaulding, of Dillia, was mingling with our people last Saturday. C.H. Brown, of Springfield, was visiting his mother during her last illness. Mrs. E.T. Piland died at her home on Turkey Creek three miles east of Thornfield, the 10, inst. Mrs. Piland has been sick for about three years. She had lived a devoted christian life and was well respected by all who knew her. John Buttram cut his foot with an ax and is very week from loss of blood. The ax went almost through his foot and severed some of the arteries which continue to bleed. James Reynolds, of near Gainesville, was in our village last Saturday night the guest of J.J. Kyle. Rev. G.R. Curry preached an interesting sermon at Shady Grove last Sunday. Shell Kyle and family were visiting G.R. Curry last Sunday. Frank Shoemake, of Igo, is reported very low with consumption. G.W. Collier Secret Societies: Robert Burns Lodge No. 496 A.F. and A.M. meets Saturday night on or before the full moon in each month. D. D. Turnbaugh, W.M. R.Q. Gilliland, Sec. Gainesville Lodge, I.O.O.F. No. 584 meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday nights in each month. J.M. Gordon, N.G. J.C. Harlin, Sec. Gainesville Camp, No. 5180 M.W. of A. meets every 1st and 3rd Friday nights in each month at the Masonic Hall. J.C. Harlin, V.C. H.N. Force, Clerk Advertisement-- Guy T. Harrison, Attorney At Law, Gainesville, Mo. Advertisement-- Y.E. McClendon, Attorney At Law, Gainesville, Mo. Special Attention to Pension Claims. Advertisement-- Jno. S. Hogard, Photographer. Portraits from life in Platnum or Gloss surface paper. I do copying and enlarging. Stamps and Buttons. Terms low. Doors open Friday, Satuday and Sunday. Administrator’s Notice. Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration upon the estate of Elijah Breeding deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, by the Clerk of Probate Court of Ozark county, Mo., bearing date the 11, day of March 1902. All persons having claims against said estate are required to exhibit them to me for allowance, within one year from the date of said letters, or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate; and if said claims be not exhibited within two years from date of the publication of this notice, they will be forever barred. C.B. Breeding, Administrator. Gainesville News-- Rev. A.L. Simmons was a brief caller at this office last Friday. James Small returned from Springfield last Saturday night. Rube Mason, of Tecumseh, was transacting business in town Monday. J.J. Collins and family spent Saturday night and Sunday in town. Last Saturday was the busiest day witnessed in Gainesville in many a day. Our communication from Thornfield got in to late for publication again last week. N.J. Pare, of Romance, was in town last Saturday and while here gave us a little substantial aid. Rev. E.N. George filled his regular appointment at the Christian church Saturday night and Sunday. It seems that a few young men in this town want to know where they are “AT” girls can’t you inform them? Our circulation is growing each week. This is evidence that the TIMES is growing in favor, which fact should not be overlooked by our advertisers. The supper given at the M.E. church last Friday night was well attended and a complete success. The proceeds go to having the church papered. The social gathering of young people at the residence of Dr. J. T. Arnold last Saturday night in honor of Miss May Denton, of Oakland, Ark., will be pleasantly remembered by all present. The time was whiled away in social games, music and refreshments. Those present were Misses Rhoda Wood, May Denton, Bertha Comer, Eva and Anna Arnold and Messrs B.F. Wood, Mat Cockram, Lyman Stevens, Walter Robbins, Richard Aldridge, H.N. Force, J.E. Norton and Hugh Layton. All parties knowing themselves indebted to me are requested to come in and settle at once as I am making my arrangements to leave here in a short time, and it is absolutely necessary that I collect my accounts; Yours respectfully, N.A. Beach. Mrs. James Covington and Miss May Denton, of Oakland, Ark., were visiting Mrs. J. W. Howard Friday and Saturday of last week. John Woods, who has been an invalid for several years, died last Tuesday night at his home one mile and half north of town. Sheriff Conkin left Tuesday for the Territory he went after Polly Newton who is wanted here for horse stealing. Special Summer term of the Gainesville Public School will begin March 31, and last ten weeks. Gerald Harris has been quite sick this week. |
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